How to Import Shapefile Data to Google Earth Pro

If you need to import or add an ArcGIS shapefile to Google Earth Pro as a reference for on-screen digitizing, here are the easy steps on how to do it.

  1. Download and install Google Earth Pro to your PC or Mac. Google Earth Pro requires a license key. If you do not have a key, use your email address and the key GEPFREE to sign in.
  2. Once installed, in the Google Earth Pro main window, go to File –> Open. In the next window, find the directory where you stored your stored shapefile.
  3. You only need to add the file with .shp extension. Select the shapefile and click “Open”.
  4. When asked if you want to apply a style template to the features you ingested — click YES.
  5. When asked to pick a Style Template, choose “Create New Template”. Then click OK.
  6. In the “Style Template Settings” window, you can change the properties of your shapefile such as colors or you can keep the defaults. Click OK.
  7. When asked to save the template, click “Save”.
  8. The shapefile will now appear on your Google Earth Pro screen.