FREE: Open-Access Geographic Data for the Argali Habitat in the Southeastern Tajik Pamirs

Open-Access Geographic Data for the Argali Habitat in the Southeastern Tajik Pamirs
by Eric Ariel L. Salas, Raul Valdez, and Kenneth G. Boykin

Seven Geographic Information System (GIS) layers comprise this dataset intended for understanding the Marco Polo argali habitat in the southeastern Tajikistan Pamirs (37°33′ N, 74°09′ E). Extensive remote sensing habitat data processing and field data analysis of the Marco Polo sheep study area have yielded these layers that are now available online to download and for use by other researchers interested in studying the argali patterns and habitat suitability in the southeastern Tajik Pamirs. It is important to note that the layers were generated using a 30-m Landsat ETM image and field data from 2012.

Keywords: Tajikistan Pamirs; remote sensing; Marco Polo argali; Tajik vegetation; pasture; GIS dataset

To cite the paper:

MDPI and ACS Style
Salas, E.A.L.; Valdez, R.; Boykin, K.G. Open-Access Geographic Data for the Argali Habitat in the Southeastern Tajik Pamirs. Data 2016, 1, 5.

AMA Style
Salas EAL, Valdez R, Boykin KG. Open-Access Geographic Data for the Argali Habitat in the Southeastern Tajik Pamirs. Data. 2016; 1(1):5.

Chicago/Turabian Style
Salas, Eric A.L.; Valdez, Raul; Boykin, Kenneth G. 2016. “Open-Access Geographic Data for the Argali Habitat in the Southeastern Tajik Pamirs.” Data 1, no. 1: 5.

Download the paper here (PDF).

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